
Extra edition No.10 Get Back

Finally, I returned to Tokyo.
I had been in Kusatu-cho, Gunma Prefecture, for a year for hot spring allergy cure, which is called “Toji” in Japan.

What were waiting for me in Tokyo, however, were businesses on “DES” and “Classified Shares”.
The DES means a debt-equity swap, which is one of the measures to be taken for inheritance tax purpose of small and medium-sized company owner.
The classified shares are issued for financing by the Stock Company, this time those are with Put Option.
By exercising the option, the common shares are delivered in exchange for such classified shares with option.

I still spend weekends at our family apartment to let in Kusatu-cho for hot spring cure.
I will take care of myself to work through the end of this year, and will spend the New Year holidays quietly at home instead of Africa traveling.

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