
Japanese Law No.4 Extinguishment of Share Option

I always file for registration of extinguishment of several listed companys' Share Option (= new share subscription right) a month, which have ceased to exist during previous month.
This month, the number of share option extinction has hefty increased as never before.
The increase also denotes the increase in job leaver for the month of December last year, because the most of these options is so-called “stock option”.

にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 司法書士へ
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ


Japanese Law No.3 Electronic Share System (Paperless Share System)

Happy New Year!

I’ve just filed for two registrations online in this morning.
One is the corporation merger registration and the other is the real estate registration of inheritance.
Each application number is No.19 and No.21 at each legal Affairs Bureau.
I feel anew the financial condition is not very promising.

In order to adapt to Electronic Share System (Paperless Share System) which came into effect today, the listed company (hereinafter “the company”):
1. has been deemed that the company has resolved to abolish the articles for Issuance of Share Certificate in its articles of Incorporation; and
2. must file for alteration registration of abolishing the articles for Issuance of Share Certificate at legal Affairs Bureau within two weeks effective today.
にほんブログ村 士業ブログ 司法書士へ
にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語の日記へ