
Extra edition No.5 A Return to Everyday Life

For the past year, I had been concentrating upon the challenge on Japanese trust law I gave myself, completely ignoring everything except my business.
In a backward way, conveniently, “Lehman Shock” has been causing a decrease in my business, thus I had been able to spend a lots of time on it.
I know it can’t possibly be achieved overnight, but it is time for me to return to my everyday life; that’s why I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Of course, it will be after the year-end and New Year holidays at the lodges in Okavango Delta.

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Extra edition No.4 Okavango Delta Again

This year, I have a plan to spend the year-end and New Year holidays in Okavango delta with my family.
Last year, we gave up the Okavango trip because we couldn’t make the lodges reservation.
That’s why we’ve started up early and already reserved them. And the agent we asked, it was the first time, is an overseas company, not domestic one.
In addition, this time, my husband and I will take his mother and his aunt.
They said, “It will become a good memory”.
Therefore we will be extravagant and stay at a little bit luxurious lodges.

The lodges are as follows;
1. Duma Tau Camp
When we visited there at the end of 2006, this lodge guide (I don’t know how to spell his name) provided us the midnight safari, and he searched and found out a chameleon for me.
2. Duba Plains Camp
This lodge became famous and its rate became high virtually overnight because of an award-winning National Geographic documentary that recorded the classic interaction between the two species(lion prides and buffalo herds). 
3. Little Vumbura Camp
This lodge is a small camp (6 tents). But it seems probable that each tent is large and roomy and that the view from the tent deck is wonderful in the web picture.

I am not a wilderness safaris plant.

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Japanese Law No.4 Extinguishment of Share Option

I always file for registration of extinguishment of several listed companys' Share Option (= new share subscription right) a month, which have ceased to exist during previous month.
This month, the number of share option extinction has hefty increased as never before.
The increase also denotes the increase in job leaver for the month of December last year, because the most of these options is so-called “stock option”.

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Japanese Law No.3 Electronic Share System (Paperless Share System)

Happy New Year!

I’ve just filed for two registrations online in this morning.
One is the corporation merger registration and the other is the real estate registration of inheritance.
Each application number is No.19 and No.21 at each legal Affairs Bureau.
I feel anew the financial condition is not very promising.

In order to adapt to Electronic Share System (Paperless Share System) which came into effect today, the listed company (hereinafter “the company”):
1. has been deemed that the company has resolved to abolish the articles for Issuance of Share Certificate in its articles of Incorporation; and
2. must file for alteration registration of abolishing the articles for Issuance of Share Certificate at legal Affairs Bureau within two weeks effective today.
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